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Big Government is Bad for Business

Jim Haynes, Small Business Coordinator for the Oregon Business Roundtable Committee and Oregon Small Business member issued a list of business that have left Oregon that was published in the 2006 voter’s pamphlet statement.  It is called “Oregon’s Big Government is Bad for Business” and has been used frequently.   Here is an excerpt.

“Big Problem!  Many businesses have left Oregon, taking jobs, wages and families with them:

– K-line container shipping, moved Tacoma, 2004

– Hyundai Merchant Marine, moved in 2004

– Albertson’s NW Headquarters moved to Idaho, 2004

– Wells Fargo Financial moved Vancouver, 2003

– Kuni Automotive moved Vancouver, 2003

– Albina Fuel moved to Vancouver, 2003

– Gardenburger moved to Utah, 2003

– Louisiana Pacific moved to Nashville, 2003

– Meier & Frank moved to Los Angeles, 2002

– Willamette Industries moved to Washington, 2002”


Wood Village Business (sales tax) idea stopped.

“No tax without a vote of the people” measure by 86%.